Some Of My Favourite People

Some Of My Favourite People. Season 3. EP 16. Aaron Tau.

Episode Summary

Aaron Tau is a pro-MMA fighter, with a background in Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing and Kickboxing. He fights out of UFC star Dan Hooker's Combat Academy, in Auckland New Zealand.

Episode Notes

Aaron Tau is a pro-MMA fighter, with a  background in Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing and Kickboxing.  He fights out of UFC star Dan Hooker's Combat Academy, in Auckland New Zealand. 

We had a really deep conversation about Aaron's life. Aaron was very open and intimate about the experiences that shaped him growing up, and how he became who he is today.  Aaron grew up with a life rich in Maoritanga (traditional culture and way of life) in a  rural community.

He experienced extreme hardship and adversity within his family. However, he's not let the hand he was dealt, he says, define who he is, and he speaks about his philosophies of forgiveness, compassionate and unconditional love that underpin his way of life. 

This was one of the best conversations I've ever had the privilege to have, and I'm sure everyone will get a lot from it. 

Thank you Aaron!